Thousands of tourists and holidaymakers flock Thailand leisure sites every year. The country has some of the most spectaculars places that offer wonders, education, and relaxation owing to historical features, beautiful beaches, heart throbbing culture, climate and the general landscape of the country that come in a wide variety. Any time of the year is a memorable experience to visitors in Thailand. However, there are times during the year that present the best climatic conditions to expose the best experience preferred by individuals.

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Characteristics Climate

Travelling to Thailand is majorly guided by three special seasons; rainy, cool and hot months. The rainy season comes between May and October each, the cool season falls from November to February while hot months occur between March and May.

Rainy Season

Travelling to Thailand in the rainy season offers cheaper visits to the preferred itinerary. Most services cut their prices to about 50 percent of the cost in the peak season.

The rainy season in the Gulf of Thailand is less intense. It falls between October and January to pave the way to an alternative destination in the country between June and October for lovers of the Samui Archipelago. However, it is important to note that the intensity and length of the rainy season are less predictable compared to the other seasons.

Cool Season

If you want to catch a glimpse of Thailand’s beautiful winter flowers and sea mist, get them in the hills and mountains during this breezy season. Any destination in Chiang Mai is at its best during this time of the year. The temperature and visibility suits travelers in the northern and Northeastern Thailand.

Hot Season

Travelers may opt to hit the beaches during this scotching-sun high-temperature season. The Eastern and Southern islands may offer exciting places to keep off the hot days. This season provides some of the best views of night sky and landscape in Thailand.

Depending on the time of the year you are planning your vacation, Thailand does not fail to offer you a place to enjoy yourself despite the probable extreme weathers. Understand the seasons and what they offer to enjoy Thailand any time of the year.