We’ve gotten some question lately about how we first got into diving and how we choose places to dive now. The two are quite separate questions! So I’m going to deal with the first one now, and the second in another post. Getting into diving was a natural progression for us from snorkling any and everywhere we could. Here are 3 tips for how to make the progression into the bigs leagues!

  1. Get a buddy. I’m sure you can do this all by yourself, but it was super helpful having each other while getting certified and for moral support on the first few serious dives. Having someone else who’s learning too I thought made me relax into the process more.
  2. Stay safe. Safety is huge even for the most experienced divers, but at the beginning it’s especially important to er on the side of caution. You might feel you’re a confident swimmer and generally capable in the water but when you throw you kit on and are trying to navigate all the things to keep an eye on that all goes out the window.
  3. Build your confidence slowly. Give yourself time and experience to help you get better. This will mean you’re much safer in the water in the long run. It also means you’ll enjoy yourself that much more. When you take the journey in stages you’ll find that as your confidence grows and you can see and experience more you’ll appreciate it all so much more.
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Lastly, the ocean is incredible, and a lot of my best travel memories have been below the waterline. If you’re interested in diving don’t be putting it off any longer than you have to! It’s the best decision to learn something new and get a new hobby that I’ve ever made.